
You’re high then you’re low: the radio spectrum and XR’s future

Published on: Aug 18, 2023 Introduction     This blog post is aimed at evaluating the benefits and shortcomings of low- and high-frequency wireless communications for head-mounted displays (HMDs). Additionally, I will provide brief insight into the flexibility of extended reality (XR) application requirements, used to loosen the load that XR imposes on wireless networks, and evaluate how XR can ...

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Scientific Papers, should you trust them?

Published on: Apr 7, 2023 Introduction “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” said Sir Isaac Newton in 1675. What do these shoulders look like? In modern science, these take the form of scientific papers.  But why do we trust them so much? What is so special about a scientific paper, compared to ...

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Internet of Things (IoT) 

Published on: Mar 24, 2023 IoT devices are physical objects, they can be sensors, machines, smart vehicles, etc. that are connected to the Internet to collect/exchange data and information. A growing market of more than 30.2 billion devices with IoT connections will be deployed by 2027 [1]. The Internet of Things (IoT) market can be segmented based on the number ...

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Exploring the Capabilities of 5G for Remote Surgery: Current Challenges and Future Possibilities

Published on: Mar 10, 2023 Robotic surgery is a way of performing surgical procedures with the help of robotic systems. A surgeon, instead of directly using the required operating tool (e.g. scalpel), remotely makes use of devices that have hand-like movements and perform the procedures for him. These special robots, also called telemanipulators or remote manipulators, are robotic arms consisting ...

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Bringing mmWave to WiFi Part 2: IEEE 802.11ay creates the WiFi of tomorrow

Published on: Feb 24, 2023 In our previous blog (Bringing mmWave to WiFi Part 1: IEEE 802.11ad introduces the 60 GHz band to WiFi), we introduced you to the first mmWave WiFi standard – IEEE 802.11ad. As discussed there, IEEE 802.11ad represented a major achievement and allowed for a variety of commercial devices to be developed. However, it did not ...

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A Brief Introduction to Reinforcement Learning in Wireless Networks

Published on: Feb 3, 2023 With the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 6G networks, Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) approaches are increasingly utilized in wireless networks. Optimization problems in wireless networks are designed to enhance specific attributes of a user or a network. Consider a scenario where a user wants to receive the highest Signal-to-Interference and Noise ...

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An introduction to Wi-Fi Sensing and IEEE 802.11bf

Published on: Jan 27, 2023 Today, environment sensing is carried out using sensors such as radars and lidars. For example, mmWave radars are extensively used for various sensing activities, like people tracking, activity recognition, vital sign monitoring, health sensing, etc. However, this requires setting up additional hardware in the environment of interest, which might not be feasible. What if I ...

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