
Predicting the human blockage in mmWave through in-band detection

Published on: Jan 13, 2023 It’s annoying when your video stream is stopped in the middle of your favorite show. In mmWave this can happen just because someone is walking and blocking your mmWave link. This is because the human body can easily shadow the mmWave link, thus causing significant link attenuation and communication interruption in the order of a ...

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Why do MINTS researchers look forward to the project bi-annual events?

Twice a year, a MINTS consortium member hosts the MINTS team for a network-wide event (NWE). This time the event was organized by University of Padova, in July 2022. The purpose of a NWE is to have the whole team come together in order to be updated on the research progress of the ESRs and to have work-package (WP) discussions. ...

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Bringing mmWave to WiFi Part 1: IEEE 802.11ad introduces the 60 GHz band to WiFi

Published on: Dec 2, 2022 So far, many of our blogs have talked about how mmWave enables new and exciting applications for 5G and the future 6G networks. Besides these cellular networks, there is another wireless network technology that is indispensable in our daily lives – the WiFi network. There has also been significant research in mmWave WiFi, culminating in ...

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Meet The ESR: Nairy Moghadas Gholian

Published on:  Oct 28, 2022 Here we are with our final “Meet The ESR” post. This time we are meeting Nairy. Without further ado let’s jump into it. Who am I? I’m Nairy! I was born in Urmia, a beautiful mountainous city in Iran, which is famous for its salt lake and its hospitable people. I moved to Germany last ...

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Meet The ESR: Marco Rossanese

Published on:  October 14, 2022 We´ve arrived at the penultimate edition of our “Meet the ESR” series. Today we get to know ESR 9, Marco from NEC Laboratories in Heidelberg. This is what he had to say: Who am I? I am Marco, a 27 year old guy into technology. I graduated in Information Engineering at the University of Padua ...

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Meet The ESR: Rizqi Hersyandika

Published on:  Sep 30, 2022 This week’s guest is Rizqi, ESR number 8. Let’s get to know him and hear about what he has to say. What do you do for fun? Traveling, drone photography and playing table tennis. Tell us a bit about your home country! The first thing about Indonesia that probably comes to your mind is BALI. ...

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Meet The ESR: Andrea Bedin

Published on:  Sep 16, 2022 Going back on our journey to meet the ESRs, this time we introduce you to Andrea Bedin. ESR 13 doing his PhD at Nokia Bell Labs, Finland. Who am I? I’m Andrea, 25 years old, Italian and proud to be so! How would you define yourself? 50% geek, 50% party animal. What do you do ...

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mmWave-UAV Communication

Published on: September 9, 2021 Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are aircrafts operating without a pilot. They can fly either remotely controlled by an operator or autonomously with the help of the onboard sensors. In recent years, the ease of deployment, low operating cost, and the adaptive mobility of UAVs have attracted considerable attention for civilian and commercial applications. UAVs can ...

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